Thursday, October 24, 2013

E Week

          What a fun E week we had!  We had a lot going on this week and were a little rushed some of the days, but we did end up accomplishing all of our planned activities.  The highlight of the week was Thursday when we learned that E is for eyes.  We took our first “field trip” to Daddy’s work to get a quick little eye exam and learn more about our eyes.  Brooklyn was able to look at books about eyes, get a picture taken of her eye, and even look through the slit lamp at my eyes.  She had such a good time!
          Monday we talked about the letter E and the sound that it makes, then we made our Elephant E.  Later, we played our math game and worked on color patterns with eggs.  I realized that my Easter eggs are still packed up somewhere (I really need to finish unpacking one of these days!) so I cut out lots of Easter eggs in different colors.  I then made a pattern that Brooklyn had to finish.  We started with “green, pink, green, pink, green…” and I let Brooklyn tell me what should come next.  This was a little difficult for her at first, but after a few tries she caught on and was able to do a few on her own.  After that, I laid down 3 eggs and had her try to put down the same 3 color eggs in the same order as me.  She was able to do this much more easily. 

       Tuesday was our elephant day.  Brooklyn loved singing “The Elephant Song” each day and pretending to be an elephant with a swinging trunk, flapping ears, stomping feet, and a swinging tail.  All of our moving worked up an appetite, so next Brooklyn enjoyed peanuts for snack.  After snack we made our craft – elephant hand prints.

          We had MOPS on Wednesday, but we were able to squeeze in a quick discussion about the earth and where we live on the earth.  We also made our earth craft which was so cool!  Brooklyn loves coloring with markers and thought it was so cool to spray water onto her drawing and watch the green and blue blend together to make something that looked a lot like the earth all by herself.

          Thursday was our fun eye day!  We started out the day by coloring our eyes with markers (these were circles that I cut out of paper towels).  We talked about the different colors that eyes can be and what color eyes we have.  Brooklyn colored one set of eyeballs blue, one set green, and the third set brown.  We then took one of Daddy’s empty eye drop bottles, filled it with water, and put “eye drops” into our eyes.  (This was similar to the earth craft.  When the water dropped on the marker scribbles, it spread the marker to make a uniform color across the eye/circle.)  We then set our eyeballs aside to dry.  While they were drying, we had our eyeball snack.  I sliced bananas, put on a little peanut butter in the center to act as the glue, and let Brooklyn add raisins on the peanut butter to make her eyeballs.  Later, after our field trip, we finished our eye craft.  I had cut 6 eye shapes out of white paper and 6 little black circles.  Brooklyn glued them all together, matching up each color eye with its pair.

          On Friday, we read the story of Elijah and how God took care of him when he had no food.  Brooklyn colored a coloring page of the raven bringing food to Elijah that I printed off.  We then made a raven that had a piece of bread in its mouth to bring to Elijah.  We talked about how God always takes care of His children. 

          Our verse for the week was James 1:17 "Every good gift comes from God."  We once again sang our verse to a little tune that we made up.  We sang "every good gift is from our God" and spent a lot of time talking about all of the things that we have and how God is the One who gave them all to us.  We even tied it back in to the story of Elijah and how the gift of food that he received was sent to him by God.  

          For details and instructions of these crafts and activities, please click to see my lesson plans.  If you have more ideas for the letter E, please comment and share - I would love to hear them!!

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